Virtual Chief Operations Officer (V.COO)
This is all about speed-to-market, data-points and access.
At the cost of hiring an ops-executive, clients can gain access to an entire operations department and enjoy professional services such as:
kick-starting of new projects (no need to trial and error)
setting up of regional offices, operations centres, business units
research and recce
data gathering
setting up of info-tech infrastructures
ISO applications, set-up and audit
crafting of concept papers
franchise operations
and more
A VCOO service is suitable for companies that:
are looking to reduce the Business' overheads by outsourcing his or her entire operations department:
no opportunity cost
no overheads
must start IMMEDIATELY:
no need to trial-&-error
have no bandwidth or expertise (related to new project) to supervise staff's work.
no need to apply for licenses, qualifications
no need to recruit/train new staff
no need to deal with Human Resource matters such as attrition
In A Nutshell
Frequently Asked Questions
How does it work?
The VCOO service (the "Service") is an virtual Business Unit for Small and Medium Enterprises ("SME"). ​Companies seeking to launch new projects, set up new BUs or restructure often times face challenges relating to cashflow, setup time and certification.
For the price of a senior operations executive, Companies gain access to an entire gamut of operational services helmed by an experienced and qualified team.
What are the costs? 3 phase:
"​Mandate Phase"​​:
$1,000 one-time fee
"Discovery" Phase:
To be quoted as per man-hours
​Senior Management (SM) = starting from $150/hour​
Senior Associates (SA) = starting from $100/hr
Associate (A) = $60/hr
Monthly retainer-plans available, generally ranges from $1,900 to $6,700 per month.
"Go-to-market" Phase.
To be advised
Based on monthly retainer plans
*Costs and disbursements are not included
Can you describe a single use-case to elaborate on the costings?
Narrative: A Singapore Company, ABC Pte Ltd, is desirous of offering corporate training to the Thai-market. It is however, concerned about issues of cost, timing and local partners. The Client has a lean team and limited budgets. It engages the VCOO Service. Costings are described as follows:
Phase 0. Cost: $0/-
Tele-conference between Prospect and Consultant. Consultant conducts rapid screening to determine if Phase 1 is necessary.
15 min - 30 min
Phase 1. $1,000/-
The VCOO defines Client's problem statements, Key Performance Indicators & other concerns. The VCOO's mandate is affirmed and signed. A "discovery roadmap" is created for the Client's acceptance.
Time. 4 hours
Phase 2. $5,250/-
During the ​Discovery phase, the VCOO (and team) conducts local site-visits, resource confirmations and compliance checks. Further, it contacts its Thai team ready it for the next phase.
Cost: 15 x $150 (SM) + 15 x $100 (SA) + 25 x $60 (A) = $5,250
Time: 2 weeks
Phase 3. $3,750/-
Thai office is set up, 2 full-time local staff hired, basic internal operation (sales, compliance, accounting, company registration, telco-services) systems set up etc
Cost: 5 x $150 (SM) + 15 x $100 (SA) + 25 x $60 (A) = $3,750
Time: 1 month
Total Cost For VCOO + team: $10,000/- over ~6 weeks
=> $6,667 per month -
Cost savings of > 60% (compared to hiring a team of 3 full-timers)
Time savings of >2 months (as training is not required)
What is the credibility of the team?​
The team comprise of professionals with years of operational experience under their belts, many of whom are ex-military officers well-versed in areas of:
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Strategy & Innovation
Standard Operating Procedures
Data Protection
Human Resource + Training
The project leaders are existing CEOs or COOs of companies in Singapore and the SEA region. Their professional qualifications range from Practicing Management Consultants, MBAs and Qualified Individuals (ACRA). They will be supported by a team of associates.
What if the Key Performance Indicators("KPI") are NOT achieved? What are the risk controls?
Smaths Corporate Services Pte Ltd is a registered professional firm and is deeply involved in the business scene. Since 2013, it has served more than 300 companies in the SEA region.
The Company will not accept any project that it is not confident of.
What type of company is this VCOO Service suitable for?
Suitable for​ any SME with a clear mandate seeking to go-to-market immediately, and without having to grapple with time, cost or quality issues.
What is the timeline?
Mandate Phase. 1 session; 4 hours
Discovery Phase. 1 to 3 weeks
Go-to-Market Phase. >3 weeks
I am interested, how do we start?
Contact us for a video discussion (no charge)
Commence project
How does this Service compare to other VCOO services in the market?
Projects are helmed by well-qualified and connected professionals​ who are business-owners themselves. Apart from that, they hold senior positions in SEED Holdings an investment group deeply connected to the eco-system.
See www.seedventures.biz
Time. Clients can expect to commence projects almost immediately, within days, compared to within months if done in-house.
Generally a fraction of the cost to set up a team in-house, or to hire a team of consultants from the market.
At least 50% in savings.
What is required of me and my team?
Candidness, reasonableness, and most ultimately, to believe in the team.