More Than Just An Accounting Firm
NUS x SCS x Maybank

Startups need a lot more than accounting help and SCS understands this.
1. No Risk For Clients:
Trusted business partner of Institutes of Higher Learning
NUS, NYP, SP, INSEAD, A*STAR, SMART and more. Click here
"Best-price guarantee".
Present us a official estimate from another firm and receive a refund for the difference paid
"First-Year-Free*" guarantee.
$1,000 off professional fees for the 1st year

2. Deeply Connected to The Industry:
Accounting arm of Venture Capital Firm, SEED Ventures.
Green-lane access to connect with business angels, venture capitalists and corporate gatekeepers
On-campus access to services such as:
compliance advice (nominee directorship, work-passes, accounting, legal and more)
business mentors (shares-matters, valuation, strategy and more)
setting up of corporate bank accounts by Maybank
*Terms and conditions apply
3. Frequently Asked Questions ("Work Pass" FAQ here)
Setting up a company in Singapore. How does it work?
At least 1 local director and shareholder
Appointment of a Corporate Secretary is mandatory
Click here for details.
Is a local shareholder needed to incorporate a Holdings Company?
No need to. Anyone, including foreigners, can be a shareholder of a company in Singapore (including a Holdings Company).
Secretarial Services. What services are available?
Smaths Corporate Services offers the entire gamut of Secretarial Services and much more.
Click here for details
Bank Account. Can you touch on the setup, GIRO payments, annual fees etc.
We recommend Maybank for the following reasons:
Easy setup (bank officer will travel to your office)
Quick account confirmation (within 7 business days)
No annual fees + interest on current account balance (only 1 in Singapore)
GST Criteria?
Mandatory for companies with annual revenues exceeding $1,000,000
Quarterly reporting
Click here for details
Taxation Rebates.
Corporate tax rate at 17% of "Chargeable Income" (not the same as "net profits")
Click here for details
Loans. Are foreigners eligible for loans?
Yes if loans can be securitised.
Work Passes. How do they defer and which one is suitable for foreign entrepreneurs?
Click here.
Why provide the guarantees? How many times has SCS had to provide a refund?
As a proof of ability and sincerity.
Not once (since incorporation in 2013), as it was never necessary.
So there will be zero accounting fees no matter what for the first accounting year?
Yes, free or almost free. >90% of SCS' new startup clients paid nothing.
(in terms of professional fees, government fees NOT included) -
New startups usually incur approximately $1,000 in their first year, as their accounts are still fairly straight-forward. The $1,000 credit is usually sufficient to cover this amount entirely.
Why is it necessary to have the affiliation with the industry?
Access to mentors = access to investors = access to resources.
It is crucial for startups to have a go-to-market strategy planned right from the onset.
How does the on-campus consultation work? Can I attend the consultation if I'm NOT a client of SCS?
Depending on discussions with the school administrators, it may take the form of a weekly half-day clinic. More information will be released soon.
The service is for ALL participants of the GRIP programme (including NUS staff) even though priority will be given to SCS' clients.
OK, I am interested. What's next?
Paperwork. Please approach our colleagues to fill up the paperwork. They will be able to answer further questions if any. (Company incorporation and bank account opening will be completed offline within 3-5 working days).
Sign up forms are available here.
4. Frequently Asked Questions - Work Passes
Is having a director/ corporate-secretary mandatory? Are there any exceptions?
Yes, mandatory. The director/corporate-secretary must be PR or Singaporean and of at least 18 years of age (exception: a foreigner may become a director via the Employment Pass or Entrepass routes)
I am currently employed by NUS on an S-Pass. How should I approach the new work pass-arrangement if we were to incorporate?
Option 1. Apply for Employment Pass(EP). Once approved, have the S-Pass cancelled. Incorporate the company after that. An EP holder may be the director of the company if he/she manages to get a Letter of Consent from the Ministry of Manpower. (LOC takes up to 5 weeks. E-pass takes up to 8 weeks)
Option 2. Apply for an Entrepass under “Innovator”. Once approved, have the S-Pass cancelled. Incorporate the company after that. An Entrepass holder may be the director of the company (approval takes up to 8 weeks).
Under Option 1, who pays me and who do I work for on a daily basis?
NUS will continue to hire the EP holder. The LOC allows said EP holder to work in the newly incorporated entity on a daily basis.
Can I concurrently apply for both an Entrepass and EP?
No, only 1 application may be taken out at one time.
The approval periods take too long. Any other ways?
A nominee-director/secretary may be appointed in the interim while waiting for the various work-pass applications to be approved.